Multilingual Learners
Ben Rush ML Team
Cookie Grant-Suggs -
Reanna Holycross -
Jodie Howerton -
Beth Lemon -
Ben Rush ML Program
Lake Washington School District’s Multilingual Learner (ML) program empowers ML students to both participate in classroom curriculum and attain English proficiency through language and academic support from highly-qualified ML teachers. The District provides varying levels of support based on students’ individual needs, language proficiency level, and grade level.
All multilingual students registering in Washington state are screened with an English proficiency assessment to determine if English Learner services should be provided. The language proficiency assessment determines a student’s overall ability to communicate and understand English through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. A certified ML teacher or trained proctor will administer the test, which is scheduled when you register your child at school.
For more information about the district ML program, please click here.